
- 光電業用各種高純度石墨零件製品
- 電解板、陽極板、石墨板
- 碳精粉
- 玻璃纖維擋絲桿
- 化學/鋁擠型用碳精、滾輪
- 冶金用石墨坩堝治具
- 連續鑄造用碳塊、碳環
- 石墨模具
- 放電加工用碳精(EDM石墨)
- 機械用碳精軸封、軸承
- 粉末冶金用燒結盤
- 電機用各種碳刷/碳刷架
Factory photos

Great Carbon was founded in 1966.
The main products are electrodes graphite for furnaces
and parts used in traditional industries.
In 1996, we began to make special graphite products.
It is used in Semiconductor industry, Ion implantation, LED, Molds...